America's Voice / Latino Decisions CIR Poll - June 2013

Voter attitudes towards Political Parties in response to Senator Statements

Recently, Democratic Senator Bob Menendez said: "The time has come for farm workers and fruit pickers, students and DREAMERS, cooks and maids, hotel workers and housekeepers, landscapers and construction workers, and non-citizen soldiers fighting to protect all of us, to have a chance to raise their hand and take the oath of citizenship. We must support immigration reform today." Does this make you......
Recently, Republican Senator Marco Rubio said: "The American people are the most compassionate people on earth -they have proven that over and over again. The question now is we have 11 million people in the country that are here illegally. We recognize we're not going to round up 11 million people and deport them. We must show compassion and support immigration reform today." Does this make you...

Recently, Republican Senator Ted Cruz said: "I have serious concerns about any legislation that would create a pathway to citizenship for those who are here illegally. I think doing so is profoundly unfair to the millions of legal immigrants who have followed the rules. We should prohibit all federal, state and local benefits for those who are here illegally, and ensure that illegal immigrants are not given a path to citizenship." Does this make you....
Recently, Republican Senator Jeff Sessions said: 'Citizenship for illegals will not help balance our budget. In fact, a large-scale amnesty is likely to add trillions of dollars to the debt over time because illegal immigrants will put enormous strain on our public-assistance programs. Illegal immigrants need government aid and can't take care of themselves. We can never support this immigration reform bill." Does this make you....