Latino Decisions Blog

Category: Election analysis

Latino voters personal connections to immigration reform

Latino Decisions released new polling data today highlighting why immigration reform has become the number one political issue for Latino voters, and the answer is close personal connections between Latino…

New Poll: Immigration policy stance directly tied to winning the Latino vote

A new Latino Decisions poll finds that Latino voters are paying very close attention to the immigration debate in Congress and that a candidate’s stance on immigration policy will directly…

A Path Forward for the GOP in Nevada?

In the wake of the 2012 election, there has been a good deal of hand-wringing among Republicans in response to their party’s dismal showing among Latinos.  In no state was…

The Untapped Potential of the Latino Electorate

The 2012 election was a watershed moment for the Latino electorate in many respects. In giving President Obama a record level of support (75%), Latinos were decisive to the outcome;…

Puerto Rico, A Latino 51’st State of the Union?

As plebiscitary debates in Scotland and Cataluña continue to grow, the debates over the outcome of the 2012 Puerto Rican plebiscite appear to be waning with the change of government…

The Rich Context of the 2012 Plebiscite on Puerto Rico’s Political Status

On November 6, 2012, the residents of Puerto Rico went to the polls to vote on both island-wide general elections and a local plebiscite on the territorial status of Puerto…

Latino voters and the fiscal cliff: tax increases on wealthy must be included

The 2012 presidential election was barely over when Republicans correctly surmised that their outreach to Latino voters was anemic and they better change course.  The focus to date has been…

Latino voters strongly support protecting the environment and politicians should take note

In the wake of the 2012 presidential election, the Latino vote in states like Colorado has been held up as a critical and influential factor.  Latino voters turned out in…

Obama’s Re-election Sets Record Support for Latino Voters

Article originally published at The Nation In his 1996 re-election President Bill Clinton attained 72 percent of the Latino vote, the highest level of Latino support of any presidential candidate—before…

The 2012 Latino Electorate: Results and Resources

Results from the ImpreMedia/Latino Decisions Election Eve Poll – the only national survey specifically designed to study the 2012 Latino Electorate — are now available at 2012-election-eve-polls. All publicly available…

ImpreMedia/Latino Decisions Election Eve Poll provides key insights regarding Latino policy views

Here are a few highlights from the latest release of data from the ImpreMedia-Latino Decisions Election Eve Poll of 5,600 Latino voters conducted during the final days of the campaign. Click…

Economy and immigration are top issues to Latino voters in 2012

The ImpreMedia-Latino Decisions Election Eve Poll of 5,600 Latino voters has indicated that the Economy/Jobs and Immigration were the most important issues to Latino voters in 2012. As indicated in the figure…

ImpreMedia/Latino Decisions Election Eve Poll: The 2012 Latino Electorate

ImpreMedia and Latino Decisions will release results from our national election eve poll of 5,600 Latino registered voters the morning of November 6, 2012. The ImpreMedia-Latino Decisions Election Eve Poll was…

LD Vote Predict final model: Obama 72.9 vs. Romney 27.1

Final LD Vote and Turnout Predict Projections: Record-breaking Turnout and Lopsided Support for Obama among Latinos Over the final several weeks of polling (Figure 1), the LD Vote Predict estimates…

Final impreMedia-LD tracking poll: if Latino vote is high, Obama will carry 4 key swing states

High Latino voter turnout could deliver swing states of Nevada, Colorado, Virginia, and Florida to the Democrats impreMedia & Latino Decisions today released the last in a series of 11…

Predict election outcome through Latino Decisions/America’s Voice Interactive map

We have conducted extensive analysis throughout the campaign season focused on the Latino electorate and our blogs have repeatedly argued that Latino Voters will be a major force in deciding…

How the Exit Polls Misrepresent Latino Voters, and Badly

Did you know that, despite running exceedingly racialized anti-Latino advertisements in Nevada’s Senate race, Sharon Angle got 30% of the Latino vote? Jan Brewer also did well, attracting an above-average…

Latinos’ Support for Obama Solid in Florida

With the election less than two weeks away there has been a great deal of speculation about the Latino community’s support for President Obama, particularly in Florida. Most recently, an…

8 percent of Latinos have already voted early, enthusiasm up again in final week

The latest impreMedia-Latino Decisions tracking poll shows that Latinos are more enthusiastic and more likely to vote than ten weeks ago when the initial poll was fielded.  Forty-five percent of…

Targeting Latino Voters in Campaign Communications: New Evidence and Insights

Hispanics are now the largest minority group in the United States at 16.5 percent of the population and are one of the most sought after groups of voters in swing…