Latino Decisions In The News

Dallas Morning News: Latinos voted in force, what does that mean after a Trump win

Dallas News

LA Times: Trump appears headed for a record low among Latino voters

Los Angeles Times

Boston Globe: How Trump won

Boston Globe

Los Angeles Times: Latinos could set record by casting 15m ballots for president

Los Angeles Times

Dallas Morning News: Perfect storm expected to drive Latino turnout to new heights

Dallas News

Miami Herald Trump slamming Obamacare in Florida, but it turns out Latinos like it

Miami Herald

Washington Post: In record numbers, Latinos voted against Trump


NBC News: Latino leaders say Trump did not win 20 percent of Hispanic vote

NBC News

Politico: Latino groups argue exit polls were too generous to Trump


Bloomberg News: Exit polls, stability and the Electoral College


NPR: Agenda denied for Latino voters, narrative changes overnight

National Public Radio

Vox: Don’t believe the exit polls saying 29% of Latinos voted for Trump


Huffington Post: Lies, damn lies, and exit polls

Huffington Post

Houston Chronicle: Latino leaders seek meeting with President-elect

Houtson Chronicle

NBC News: Who got the Latino vote right?

NBC News

Vox: How exit polls work


Houston Chronicle: Latino voters surge to polls, but didn’t help Clinton

Houtson Chronicle

Huffington Post: Latinos can’t’ stand Trump, but couldn’t stop him

Huffington Post