Latino Decisions Blog

Tag: latino voters

High Stakes: Thursday’s Presidential Address is Critical to Latino Voters

By Gabriel Sanchez President Obama is set to give a speech focused on his plans for job growth before a Joint Session of Congress in primetime Thursday night. Political pundits…

Hispanics Aspire to Better Education

By Pilar Marrero/ [email protected] |2011-08-18 LOS ANGELES, Calif.- When it comes to their children’s education, Latino voters have clear and high aspirations: a new poll revealed that an overwhelming 96%—almost…

Latino enthusiasm for midterm election at all time low

On the value of “Introduction to American Government” versus a law degree from Harvard… No reasonable person would dispute the innate intelligence and intellectual capacity of President Obama, or for…

Are Latinos Loyal Partisans?

A recent post here discussed the widely held opinion that Latinos are not as welcome as whites in the Democratic or Republican Party. Latinos and Non-Latinos hold consistent perceptions, suggesting…

Latest Latino Decisions poll reviewed by West Wing staff; Senator Harry Reid

Latino Decisions survey data continue to have influence at the highest level, being read and discussed in the West Wing conference room, and by senate majority leader Harry Reid. The…

High Medical Costs Influencing Latino Public Opinion towards Health Care Reform

In recent years, health care costs in the United States have been rapidly increasing.  According to the OECD in 2007 total health spending accounted for 16% of the GDP in…

Latino voters show massive support for health care reform – including public option

A new poll of Latino/Hispanic registered voters finds widespread consensus about the importance of health care reform and significant support for robust efforts in this direction. The poll, commissioned by…