Latino Decisions Blog
Healthcare in the Shadows
One of the most concerning narratives for any democratic country is the extent to which sub-populations of its citizenry are “living in the shadows”. Living in the shadows or social…
National policies on HIV/AIDS target highly affected communities
Efforts to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic that began in the 1980s have achieved significant advancements that now make it possible for someone with HIV to live a full life. However,…
New Perspectives on Latinos and the Affordable Care Act
Latino Decisions has released two recent surveys focused on analyzing Latino’s knowledge of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), one national in focus and another specific to the Latino community in…
New Results from the Colorado Latino Health Care Survey
A new poll of Latino/Hispanic adults in the state of Colorado strongly suggests that the United States federal government needs to do much more outreach to Latinos regarding the Affordable…
The Implications of ACA Ruling on Latino Voting Behavior
The Supreme Court decision regarding the constitutionally of the signature policy victory of the Obama administration has been the most anticipated and hotly debated decision of the Court in recent…
Latino voter opinions on health care
In light of the June 28, 2012 Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act, Latino Decisions has compiled data points on Latino voter attitudes towards the health care bill,…
Public Support for the Supreme Court: The Promise and Peril of Arizona v. United States
This is the first of a series of posts about Latinos and their views of the U.S. Supreme Court, and is part of a larger research project being conducted by…
GOP losing the Latina mom vote and much more
This article was originally published at NBC LATINO Less is more for the Republican Party when it comes to women’s reproductive rights. Conservative Republican women may fully support the strategy…
The Supreme Court, Health Care Reform, and Latinos
By Jillian Medeiros, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of New Mexico This week the Supreme Court has been debating the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, passed by President…
Language Translation and Latino Health Outcomes
The issue of language translation has concerned survey researchers for some time. While much of this work has been conducted by scholars interested in making comparisons across nations with differences…
Latinos’ Attitudes Toward the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
By Gabriel R. Sanchez, PhD, Jillian Medeiros, PhD, Sam Howarth, PhD [Full Report Available Here] [Results from Non-Voter Sample of October Poll Posted Here] Executive Summary There has been much…
Latinos support health care reform but not mandate
By Pilar Marrero– | 2011-10-13 New Poll Results Posted Here LOS ANGELES, CA. – Latino voters have a complicated relationship with the health care reform law approved in March…
Latino Decisions and impreMedia to release new poll on Health Care Policy
Latino Decisions and impreMedia in collaboration with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Center for Health Policy at the University of New Mexico will be releasing data from a new…
Latinos greatly support health reform — still expect immigration reform before 2010
New Latino Decisions polling data from March 2010 finds that Latino registered voters are very supportive of health care reform, however large majorities also say it is very important for…
Latest Latino Decisions poll reviewed by West Wing staff; Senator Harry Reid
Latino Decisions survey data continue to have influence at the highest level, being read and discussed in the West Wing conference room, and by senate majority leader Harry Reid. The…
High Medical Costs Influencing Latino Public Opinion towards Health Care Reform
In recent years, health care costs in the United States have been rapidly increasing. According to the OECD in 2007 total health spending accounted for 16% of the GDP in…
Latinos Clearly Support The Inclusion of Non-Citizens in Healthcare Reform Efforts
A new report released by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Center for Health Policy at the University of New Mexico indicates that expansion of coverage is clearly a priority for…
Latino voters show massive support for health care reform – including public option
A new poll of Latino/Hispanic registered voters finds widespread consensus about the importance of health care reform and significant support for robust efforts in this direction. The poll, commissioned by…