Latino Decisions Blog


The Trump Effect in the Swing States: New State Polling from American’s Voice and Latino Decisions

New polling from America’s Voice and Latino Decisions released earlier today finds that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s dismal standing with Latino voters has the potential to hurt Republicans’ prospects…

Translating Trump: When He Talks Immigration, What Latino Voters Hear

In recent weeks media reporting has been rife with speculation that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump was “pivoting” away from the harsh immigration policies and anti-immigrant language that have been…

New Poll Results: America’s Voice/LD 2016 National Latino Voter Survey

Earlier today, America’s Voice and Latino Decisions released the second wave of the 2016 Battleground Poll [Toplines HERE and Crosstabs HERE, and  summary deck HERE] . In coming days, we…

The Policy Priorities of Latino Voters in Battleground States

Earlier today, Latino Victory Project and Latino Decisions released the results of a poll examining the issue positions and policy priorities of Latino voters living in a dozen battleground states….

The Latino Electorate and the Republican National Convention

Throughout last week’s Republican Party National Convention in Cleveland, Latino Victory Project, Latino Decisions, and Fusion released daily poll results assessing how Latino voters were reacting to the convention. The…

Highlights from Day 4 of LVP/LD/Fusion GOP Convention Poll

Earlier today Latino Decisions, Latino Victory Project, and Fusion released polling results assessing Latino voters’ responses to the last day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland [Day 1 toplines…

Highlights from Day 3 of LVP/LD/Fusion GOP Convention Poll

Throughout this week’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland Latino Decisions, Latino Victory Project, and Fusion are releasing daily poll results evaluating how Latino voters are reacting to the convention. Each…

5th Circuit Rules Texas Voter ID Violates Voting Rights Act

Latino Decisions Principals Matt Barreto and Gabriel Sanchez authored an expert report in the Texas voter ID lawsuit which found that  4.7% of Whites lacked an ID, 8.4% of Blacks, and 11.4%…

Highlights from Day 2 of LVP/LD/Fusion GOP Convention Poll

Throughout the week, Latino Decisions along with Latino Victory Project and Fusion are releasing daily poll results assessing the reaction of Latino voters to the Republican National Convention.  Each day’s…

Highlights from Day 1 of LVP/LD/Fusion GOP Convention Poll

Yesterday Latino Victory Project, Fusion and Latino Decisions released the first set of poll results on Latino voter reactions to the first day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland….

Latino Victory Fund, LD, and Fusion Release 1st Poll of Latino Voters During GOP Convention

Spoiler Alert: In the first night’s poll, 88% of Latinos say they don’t love Trump. Latino Victory Fund, Latino Decisions, and Fusion have partnered to conduct nightly polls to assess…

The Impact of U.S. v. Texas on the Latino Electorate

Earlier today America’s Voice and Latino Decisions released poll results assessing Latino voters’ knowledge of and reaction to the Supreme Court’s U.S. v. Texas decision blocking President Obama’s authority to…

Clinton’s lead in the polls may be larger than it seems, here’s why

Originally posted at Monkey Cage on 6/20/16 In 2012, national polls in October suggested the presidential race was a virtual tie. The Real Clear Politics polling average gave Barack Obama…

The Correlates of Latino Political Behavior

With both parties’ presidential nomination campaigns settled, the 2016 general election match-up between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump is coming into focus.  Central to these discussions is the…

Why Kamala Harris can’t win California without the Latino vote

On June 7, 2016 Kamala Harris and Loretta Sanchez made history. In November California will see the first ever U.S. Senate general election match-up between two Democrats.  Not only two…

Why Polls On Latinos Get it Wrong: Here’s What to Look For

Originally posted at on May 27, 2016. The 2016 presidential election is well under way and understanding “the Latino vote” will be more important than ever. Yet the stories…

Health For All? California Voter Support of Health Insurance Expansion to the Remaining Uninsured

To clarify the extent of California registered voter support for expanding health insurance coverage to the remaining uninsured, the California Program on Access to Care (CPAC) of the University of…

Latino voters eager to turnout against Trump and the GOP in 2016

Spanish philosopher George Santayana’s adage, “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” aptly applies to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Trump burst into the race on June…

New Poll Results: 2016 Latino Voters in Colorado, Florida, and Nevada

Yesterday, America’s Voice and Latino Decisions released the first of three waves of national polling of the 2016 Latino electorate (toplines here, crosstabs here, slide deck here).  The national results…

New Poll: 1st Wave America’s Voice/LD 2016 Tracking Poll

Earlier today, America’s Voice and Latino Decisions released the first of three waves of national polling of the Latino electorate (tomorrow there will be releases for Colorado, Florida, and Nevada;…