Latino Decisions Blog


The Rundown on Latino Voter Election Eve Polling and Latino Exit Polls

Washington, DC – On a press call and webinar held today, Matt Barreto, UCLA Professor of Political Science and Chicano Studies, and Co-Founder of Latino Decisions, presented the results of…

Latino Voter Wall Blocks Trump’s Path to White House

Latino voters are about to play a pivotal role in determining the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. The latest Latino Decisions polls show that Republican presidential nominee Trump is…

Latino Electorate On Track For Historic Turnout In 2016

According to the latest data from our national tracking poll, Latino Decisions projects that between 13.1 million and 14.7 million Latinos will vote in 2016. This estimate represents a three percent…

The Trump Effect and the Latino Vote

Will Donald Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric increase Latino voter turnout? Some contend that Latinos will turn out in record numbers as a result of Republican nominee Trump’s attacks against immigrants, creating…

Hispanic Women are Concerned About Economic Security and Support Policies to Address the Concern

Today is National Latina Equal Pay Day, so we thought we would look at how Latinas view the economy in 2016. A poll commissioned by the Center for American Progress…

Mobilizing Latinos with Identity Appeals: Evidence from Two Voter Turnout Experiments

Past research shows Latinos are more likely to vote and participate in politics when there is a Latino candidate on the ballot and when issues directly affecting the Latino community…

Political Diversity in the Latino Electorate

Throughout this presidential election, much has been written about the importance of Latino voters; turnout rates have been projected and political preferences dissected. The tenor of these writings suggest that…

Latinos in non-battleground states of CA, TX, NY reporting much lower levels of outreach

Latino voter contact rates in California, New York and Texas much lower than in battleground states of Arizona, Florida, Nevada and North Carolina With two weeks to go before Election 2016,…

New Data Shows Latino Electorate Continues to Experience Wide Variety of Voting Problems at Polling Place

Long waits, lack of Spanish assistance and issues with identification among problems noted by Latino registered voters. New letter to DOJ calls for deployment of election monitors to areas of…

Latino Tracking Poll Week 6: Clinton 74 – Trump 15

The Latino Decisions weekly tracking poll in partnership with NALEO and Telemundo Noticias is out for October 24, 2016 and shows Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump 74% to 15% (+59)….

Florida Latinos voting for Hillary Clinton by wide margins

The 2016 presidential election marks a turning in the history of Latino politics in Florida. According to the latest battleground poll by the National Association of Latino Elected Officials (NALEO)…

Expert Opinions: What constitutes a good vs. bad Latino poll

During a webinar and telephonic briefing discussion hosted by NCLR yesterday, experts on political polling and Latino voters analyzed how the national exit polls and many polls throughout the election…

Policy Issues Driving the 2016 Latino Vote

Since the launch five weeks ago of the NALEO Educational Fund/Noticias Telemundo/Latino Decisions tracking poll, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has enjoyed a commanding lead among Latino voters. In the…

Latino voters say Democrats Are Mobilizing them to Vote by 3-1 margin

There are an estimated 27 million Latinos eligible to vote in 2016. While Latinos constitute about 11 percent of the national electorate, their share significantly increases in battleground states such…

LD Vote Predict 2016: Latino Voters Poised to Cast Most Lopsided Presidential Vote on Record

LD Vote Predict: 82% Clinton, 15% Trump, 3% other candidates (+/– 5.5%) In 2012 we unveiled our statistical model predicting election day vote called LD Vote Predict, which proved to be…

Latina Voters Say Adiós To Trump

Donald Trump’s ongoing derogatory remarks toward women have generated widespread criticism. Not only did he recently say that Hillary Clinton did not have “a presidential look,” but in the first…

Latino Millennial Voters and Democratic Candidate Support

Much has been made in this election about Hillary Clinton’s struggle to win over millennial voters. Indeed, some have speculated that Hillary Clinton could lose the election because millennials don’t…

Latino Voters are more partisan and energized in 2016 than in 2012

This week, in collaboration with the National Association of Latino Elected Officials Education Fund and Telemundo Noticias, Latino Decisions launched its 2016 weekly tracking poll of the Latino electorate. We…

Announcing the 2016 Latino Tracking Poll – Week 1

Today Latino Decisions released the first wave of the 2016 election weekly tracking poll in partnership with NALEO and Noticias Telemundo.  The poll will continue for 8 weekly installments every…

#TBT LD Edition: Voters, Candidates, and Enthusiasm

Back in August of 2012, impreMedia and Latino Decisions released our first round of results as part of an eleven week tracking poll series. Today we are taking a look…