Latino Decisions Blog


Housing crisis making Latino voters anxious, strong support for mortgage assistance

By Pilar Marrero, impreMedia The effects of the mortgage crisis continue to make the U.S.’s Latino community very anxious. Both homeowners and renters are still being affected by the depressed…

Latino Decisions and impreMedia to release new poll on Housing Policy

New Poll Results Posted Here Latino Decisions and impreMedia will be releasing data from a new survey focused on how the national housing crisis has impacted the Latino population on…

Where Latino Votes Will Matter in 2012

With the recent release of the national Census data pundits have been quick to point out the obvious: the Latino population is growing! As if data points from the annual…

Losing Traction? Latino Support for Affordable Care Act Remains High but Shows Some Signs of Faltering

The federal health care reform debates captured the nation’s attention during President Obama’s first year in office. Despite tremendous  financial and political obstacles, on March 23, 2010 President Obama and…

Why the DREAM Act will matter in the 2012 election

In December 2005 H.R. 4437, aka the “Sensenbrenner Bill” was passed by the House of Representatives and the issue of immigration became front page news in American politics. The bill…

70% of Latinos approve of Obama – but only 43% are certain to vote for Obama in 2012

By Pilar Marrero, impreMedia Despite the dire situation of the economy and the lack of immigration solutions, President Barack Obama’s approval rating among Latino voters increased again to 70% after…

impreMedia-Latino Decisions Tracking Poll: Immigration and Economy Are Top Concerns for US Latinos

Thirty-seven percent are ‘very worried’ that they or someone in their household will become unemployed LOS ANGELES, CA –February 10, 2011 – impreMedia, the leading Hispanic news and information company,…

Latino Decisions to form partnership with impreMedia on 2011 Latino Decisions Tracking Poll

Latino Decisions announced today they will collaborate with impreMedia on six monthly tracking polls in 2011. The first tracking poll will be released on Thursday, February 10, 2011. impreMedia is…

Latino influence states even more important in 2012 electoral college map

In the 2008 presidential election, Barack Obama won the important Latino battleground states of Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado and Florida on his way to winning 365 total electoral college votes….

Latinos Make their Mark: Demographics, Destiny and Reapportionment

Four weeks ago the US Census Bureau gave the nation a first glimpse at the 2010 data. Over 308 million people live in the United States now; a 10% increase…

Senators who opposed DREAM Act may face Latino roadblocks in 2012

Yesterday the U.S. Senate failed to invoke cloture on the DREAM Act (HR 5281), ending the chance for any legislative accomplishments on the issue of immigration. While much of the…

The GOP is Sleepwalking Through the DREAM Act

The 2010 election has lulled the GOP into its own dream act. In a year in which GOP congressional candidates benefited profoundly from the slumping economy and an anti-incumbent populist…

Latino Decisions tracking poll post-election panel discredits National Exit Poll

Latino Decisions interview 1,870 Latino registered voters nationwide across 13 weeks, beginning August 9 and ending on October 28. In the weeks after the election, we attempted to re-contact those…

Proving the exit polls wrong 2: Jan Brewer did not win 28% of the Latino vote

A few weeks ago we posted very strong evidence that the national exit poll data for Latinos in Nevada were horribly wrong. Today, we visit the state of Arizona, and…

Proving the exit polls wrong – Harry Reid did win over 90% of the Latino vote

The pre-election analysis of polls by Nate Silver at 538 proved accurate in predicting 34 of 37 elections for the U.S. Senate. The three states that were off were Alaska,…

How the National Exit Poll Badly Missed the Latino Vote in 2010

By: Gary Segura & Matt Barreto Latino Decisions estimates differ significantly from the network exit polls and this raises the question of whether we, or they, have a systematic flaw…

Latino Election Eve Poll Results: November 2, 2010

Latino Decisions / NCLR / SEIU / America’s Voice Election Eve Poll First results posted at 8PM Eastern | Preview of results posted here Click State for Election Poll Results

Final Latino Decisions Tracking Poll Shows Dems Winning Latino Vote

After 11 weeks of interviewing, our fall tracking poll comes to an end with this, the 10th Wave Report. Note, however, that the Latino Decisions Track will continue in 2011,…

The Immigrant Vote in California

Latino and Asian Americans are an important part of the American electorate, and this is perhaps most so in California, where the two groups account for nearly one third of…

Latino Decisions announces election eve poll in 8 states

Latino Decisions is partnering with the National Council of La Raza, SEIU, and America’s Voice to conduct an election eve poll of Latino voters in eight key states: California, Nevada,…