Latino Decisions Blog


Latino Principles of Immigration Reform

Since the record defeat that Republicans suffered among Latino voters in 2012, prominent GOP voices have lined up to encourage their party to do a better job reaching out to…

Punitive Immigration Policy in the American States

In recent years Latino Decisions has analyzed many nuances to federal immigration policy, primarily focused on the Latino electorate’s views on policy options and the electoral impact of various Congressional…

Hard data from primary proves the San Diego UT/Survey USA Poll is flawed

The best way to assess how accurate current polls in the San Diego mayoral race are is to look at their past performance and compare to actual election outcomes.  This…

Latino Decisions expands, announces three key team members

Latino Decisions, the leader in Latino public opinion research, today announced a promotion and two new additions to their team. Sylvia Manzano has been promoted to Principal, David R. Ayón has been appointed Senior…

President Obama’s SOTU Proposals on Climate Change Resonate With Latinos

On Tuesday night, President Obama delivered the annual State of the Union Address.  When covering Latino reactions, the media is likely to focus on the President’s statements on immigration.  However,…

Latino Decisions research critical to overturning Pennsylvania Voter-ID law

A Pennsylvania judge last week struck down a controversial new law that would require voters to show photo identification before they cast their ballots.  This is the latest ruling regarding…

Latinos Want Strong Presidential Action to Combat Climate Change

[Originally posted at National Resources Defense Council] WASHINGTON (January 23, 2014) – An overwhelming majority of Latinos in the United States want strong presidential action to curb the threat of…

New poll: Latino vote will be critical factor in San Diego mayoral election

A new poll released today by Latino Decisions and the Latino Victory Project challenges previous polls in the San Diego mayoral and shows David Alvarez with a commanding lead over…

New Poll Finds Latino Voters Strongly Reject New West Coast Coal Exports to China

New research released today by Latino Decisions and the Latino Policy Coalition finds that Latino voters oppose new efforts to increase coal exports to China and Asia from the West…

New poll shows Congress must end Sequester cuts to win back Latino voters

Poll: 61 percent of Latino voters more likely to vote for a candidate in 2014 who votes to stop the cuts  WASHINGTON, D.C.—With a bipartisan budget agreement announced earlier this…

AFL-CIO immigration ads impact on Latino voter opinions

A new survey by Latino Decisions finds that Latino registered voters who saw recent immigration advertisements run by the AFL-CIO were significantly more likely to rate immigration as a critical…

The consequences of delaying Spanish language ACA enrollment tools

The Department of Health and Human Services announced this past Sunday that they have made major progress in addressing the worst of the major glitches that have posed crashes and…

Narrow Margin in Virginia Signals Asian and Latino Influence, Virginia DREAM Act and GOP Fate Hang in the Balance

Latino Decisions election eve polling shows 66% of Hispanics and 63% of Asian Americans voted for Governor-Elect Terry McAuliffe. More specifically, an estimated 95,500 Hispanic and 51,000 Asian-Americans voted in…

Latino Focused Messaging Increases Knowledge of the ACA

A new poll of Latino/Hispanic adults in Colorado provides evidence that targeted outreach strategies in the state have increased awareness about the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The poll, commissioned by…

Polling Election Results Show Anti-Immigrant Candidates Face Long Odds Given Demographic Realities

Virginia and New Jersey Offer Clear Lesson for National GOP in 2014 and Beyond on Immigration Press Release originally posted at America’s Voice Washington, DC – An election-eve poll of…

New Race Politics and the Virginia Election

Virginia’s election results were a deep disappointment for Republicans who have long been competitive—even dominant—in this Southern state.  Terry McAuliffe defeated Ken Cuccinelli 48%-45%, and the margin was greater in…

Democrats Crush Republicans Among Latino and Asian American Voters in Virginia

With polls closed across the Commonwealth of Virginia, Latino Decisions can release the results of our 2013 Virginia Election Eve Survey of Latino and Asian American voters, commissioned by America’s…

First Installment of New Poll Shows Virginia is Test Case for GOP

Washington, DC – With Election Day in Virginia today and the gubernatorial candidates’ positioning on immigration reform on stark display, a new election-eve poll, sponsored by America’s Voice, People for…

New Poll: Virginia’s Latino and Asian Voters Weigh In On Gubernatorial Race & Immigration Reform

For immediate release: November 4, 2013 Contact: Katy Green, 650.464.1545 Data Reveals How Virginia Could Be Test Case for the National GOP in 2014 and Beyond ****Latino and Asian Election…

The Prop 187 Effect: How the California GOP lost their way and implications for 2014 and beyond

According to polling data from the California Field Poll, after winning the presidential election in 1980, former California Governor Ronald Reagan raised his share of the Latino vote from 35%…