Latino Decisions Blog


Press Call and Webinar: New Poll of Latino Voters on Immigration Reform and Impact of Inaction

ADVISORY: Press Call and Webinar Discussing New Poll of Latino Voters’ Views on Immigration Reform and the Impact of Inaction Washington, D.C. — As we approach the one-year anniversary of the…

Ties to undocumented and deported make immigration a priority issue and drive presidential approval

As the Obama administration looks to revamp the Secure Communities program that has allowed local law enforcement to help the federal government identify undocumented immigrants for deportation, we focus our…

Mass deportations are alienating young Latino voters from the Democratic Party

The United States government has been deporting large numbers of undocumented migrants as of late (see Figure 1 below), and the majority of them are Latino. In addition to negatively…

Republicans should look for a new playbook to win Latino Evangelicals

Latinos are demographically and politically ascendant in the United States. According to the latest Census figures, an estimated 53 million persons (17% of the total population) in the United States…

New Poll Shows Major Support Among Latinos for Sentencing Reform

The “war on drugs” has dramatically increased our prison population and disproportionately impacted low-income communities of color who are frequently the targets of law-enforcement efforts. The number of persons incarcerated…

Latino Decisions research critical to overturning Wisconsin Voter-ID law

A Federal court struck down a controversial law that would require voters in Wisconsin to show photo identification before they cast their ballots.  This is the latest ruling regarding voter-ID laws which…

The 2014 House Elections and Comprehensive Immigration Reform Revisited

From the perspective of most Latino voters, the actions of the House Republicans have made a bad situation worse. House Republicans will bear the blunt of the blame if comprehensive…

Immigration Legislation or Executive Action Will Shape Latino Vote

Last summer, in the wake of the US Senate’s passage of S. 744, the “Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act,” Latino Decisions, in concert with America’s Voice, identified…

Latino Decisions Announces New Data Targeting Products

Just in time for the 2014 midterms, Latino Decisions proudly announces new Latino targeting products and databases designed to help political parties, candidates, campaigns and their consultants identify and target…

Barriers and Strategies to Naturalization for Latino Legal Permanent Residents

New polling released today by the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund and Latino Decisions highlights the importance of citizenship and strategies to address barriers…

Are Transnational Ties Good for Immigrants and America?

A contemporary feature of global migration is the ability for immigrants to maintain transnational ties with their countries of origin while residing in the United States. These ties can vary…

National policies on HIV/AIDS target highly affected communities

Efforts to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic that began in the 1980s have achieved significant advancements that now make it possible for someone with HIV to live a full life. However,…

Latino Support for Environmental Protection and Climate Change Action

Latinos care about immigration politics, of course. As an aspirational community, they also care about jobs and schools. But what may come as a surprise to those unfamiliar with the…

Is the GOP backpedaling on the “GOP”?

A year ago this month, the Republican National Committee released its post-2012 election political autopsy report: the “Growth & Opportunity Project.” The “GOP”—a quite clever acronym, indeed—was the national party’s…

Ideological and Electoral Determinants of State Laws Targeting Undocumented Migrants

Background With efforts to pass comprehensive immigration reform stalled on the federal level, the states have been playing an increasingly active role in shaping U.S. immigration policy.  As a recent…

Minority Political Candidates Just Need a Chance

The following interview was originally published by Michigan State University Today. It’s not necessarily voters who should be blamed for the lack of minorities in state legislatures, but instead the…

Obstacles and Opportunities in Texas

State Senator Wendy Davis won the Texas Democratic Party gubernatorial nomination this week. There was never any doubt she would win, her only opposition was Corpus Christi Municipal Judge, and…

Demographics and Immigration Politics in Arizona

The longer House Republicans delay a vote on immigration reform in Washington, the worse the long-term political consequences.  Case in point: Arizona. A new report, conducted by Latino Decisions and…

Changing Demographics in Texas and the Politics of Immigration

A new report by Latino Decisions about the growing Hispanic vote in Texas outlines opportunities and challenges for both the Democratic Party and the GOP.  Although Hispanics represent a large…

The Latino Gender Gap in U.S. Politics

Women and Latinos in the U.S. are both attracting a lot of political attention, especially after their impressive electoral impact in the last few elections.  We hear about the potential…