Latino Decisions Blog


Reviewing the Evidence Part 2: CIR Failure and Political Fallout

President Obama’s comments to the press yesterday provided a strong signal that changes to immigration administration and enforcement via executive actions are imminent. It is important to remember that Congressional…

Reviewing the Evidence Part 1: Support for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

In a matter of weeks or even days, we anticipate that President Obama will articulate some changes to immigration administration and enforcement that will provide some security to undocumented persons…

The Method Matters: Evidence from Latino Voter Turnout Experiments

A common belief inside campaigns is that lower propensity voters just won’t show up in a midterm election. This thinking is misguided and only serves to create a cycle in…

Blowback: Why Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric and Ads Hurt the Republican Party

As congressional lawmakers return home for the summer recess and campaign for the upcoming mid-term election, Republicans believe immigration is an issue they can use to mobilize their base. Specifically,…

How to Get Out the Latino Vote: Evidence from Field Experiments

During midterm elections, Latino voter turnout is known to lag below that of other racial groups in the United States, despite a growing population. In 2010 the census estimates Latino…

HR 5230 and HR 5272: Making a Bad Situation Worse and What It Means for November and Beyond

Last Friday, after months of foot-dragging and increasingly bizarre explanations to justify their inaction, Republican congressional leaders finally allowed legislation addressing immigration policy to be brought to the House floor…

Ayón analysis on Obama administrative relief on immigration

Latino Decisions now provides a regular column in Spanish to the Univision television network news website, written by Latino Decisions Senior Strategist, David R. Ayón.  The latest column, published…

Latino Voters Strongly Reject House Republican Proposal on Border Crisis

On the last day before summer recess, House Republicans failed to address the humanitarian crisis at the border and the broken immigration system, which triggered it.  Instead, the bill they…

Executive Action on Immigration and Democratic House Incumbents 2014 Prospects

In a prior post, I drew on new polling conducted by Latino Decisions on behalf of the Center for American Progress Action Fund examining Latino voters’ attitudes towards executive action…

Latinos still feeling effects of recession

A new poll of Latino registered voters finds that over half of Latino households continue to be worried about unemployment, even as economists declare the recession is long over.  A…

Democrats and the Politics of Executive Action on Immigration

Reports that the House Republican leadership will not consider immigration legislation during the present Congress once again raises the prospects that President Obama will take executive action on immigration. Recent…

New Poll: Latino Voter Views on President Obama Using His Executive Authority on Immigration

New polling of Latino voters conducted by Latino Decisions for the Center for American Progress Action Fund shows that Democrats stand to gain from the president using his broad executive…

ADVISORY: Press Call & Webinar on Immigration Administrative Options, Course of Action for the President, and Latino Voters’ Views

For Immediate Release June 27, 2014 Contact Tanya Arditi, 202.741.6258 [email protected] Washington, D.C. — As House Republicans continue to stymie immigration reform legislation, the Center for American Progress Action Fund will…

Latino Voters in Colorado: Electoral Influence and Immigration Politics

Home to one of the fastest growing Latino electorates in the country, Colorado is set to steal the national spotlight in House, Senate and Gubernatorial races this November with immigration…

Deep Familial Connections to Land Drives Hispanic Conservation Attitudes

Last week Latino Decisions released results from a poll sponsored by Hispanics Enjoying Camping Hunting and Outdoors (HECHO), an organization dedicated to preserving America’s public lands that focused on the…

Infographic: GOP has a lot to win or lose on immigration reform

A new survey conducted by the Center for American Progress and Latino Decisions finds Republicans have a lot to win  by addressing immigration reform, and a lot to lose by ignoring it….

Democrats Missing Opportunities in Top Tier Latino Influence House Districts

Recent polling conducted by Latino Decisions continues to find that comprehensive immigration reform is an animating issue for Latino voters and if immigration reform does not happen this year, most…

Why Eric Cantor really lost and what it means for GOP outreach to Latinos

Within minutes of Eric Cantor’s primary loss dozens of knee-jerk reactions in the national media called the upset bad news for immigration reform.  Let’s be clear – Eric Cantor was…

New Poll Confirms Hispanics Overwhelmingly Support Protecting Public Lands

New polling released today by Hispanics, Enjoying, Camping, Hunting, and Outdoors (HECHO), an organization dedicated to preserving America’s public lands and Latino Decisions highlights the value Latinos place in protecting…

New Poll: GOP actions on immigration reform key to their future

New polling of Latino voters conducted by Latino Decisions for the Center for American Progress Action Fund finds Latino voters unequivocally want immigration reform to happen before the 2014 midterm…