Latino Decisions Blog


New Poll: Latino Support for Hillary in 2016 Depends on Her Stance on Executive Action on Immigration

New Poll Shows 2016 Latino Votes Will Follow Candidates who Want to Continue and Extend President Obama’s Executive Action on Immigration During the November 2014 midterms Latino voters said the…

Press Call 12-3: How Obama Executive Action Impacts 2016 Latino Vote

New Poll Findings from Latino Decisions Explores How Latino Vote Could Shift Based on Presidential Candidate Positions on Executive Action Media Advisory For: Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014, 12 Noon ET Dial-in: 785-424-1826…

Congressman Lujan is ideal choice for DCCC chair

The 2014 election has sent the Democratic Party back to the drawing board. The party looks to recover from an election that gave the Republican Party their greatest number of…

Growing Latino Gender Differences on Key Policy Issues

We continue to witness the very emotional and controversial debates over several key issues, including ‘women’s issues’ and immigration policy. This is especially evident at the wake of President Obama’s…

Origins of the Latino Political Gender Gap

With the 2014 midterm elections behind us, we are again reminded of the potential influence of Latino voters. This is because Latinos have had growing political influence in the last…

Revisiting Latina/o Gender Differences in Party Support

The 2014 election held great possibilities for those of us who study Latina politics, both because Latina/o political participation in the 2012 election proved to be a decisive factor in…

Executive Action Politics Columns

David R. Ayón’s most recent column posted at Univision news, draws on the new Latino Decisions survey of Latino voters’ reactions to executive action on immigration.  Noting strong and unified…

NEW POLL RESULTS: National Poll Finds Overwhelming Support For Executive Action on Immigration

A national poll of Latino voters found 89% support for President Obama’s use of Executive Authority on immigration. The poll was conducted November 20-22, coinciding with the news of President…

NEW POLL RELEASE: Mon Nov 24 – Latino Decisions Dives into Latino Attitudes Post-Obama Executive Action

To register for the webinar press release, click here: Media Advisory For: Monday, November 24th, 2014 @ 9:00am PT / 12 noon ET Latino Political Allegiances Shift After Executive…

GOP’s Response to Obama’s Executive Action Could Define 2016 Election

Originally published at Huffington Post Pollster Last night, President Obama announced his long-anticipated administrative orders on immigration reform, expected to include changes with regard to which immigrants the federal government…

The reason why Obama is giving a major immigration speech in Nevada

In January 2013, President Obama chose Del Sol High School in Las Vegas to make his remarks outlining his administration’s comprehensive immigration reform principles. Part victory rally, part policy speech,…

WKKF State of the Latino Family Survey: Optimism and Obstacles

Earlier this week the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF) released results from The State of the Latino Family national survey. The expansive study, conducted by Latino Decisions, included interviews with 1,000…

Did Asian Americans switch parties overnight? No.

This article originally appeared at the Monkey Cage Blog at The Washington Post Buried in the blue and red bars of the exit poll results from Tuesday’s midterm elections is…

What 2014 Taught Us

Results from Latino Decisions’ election eve poll are out. So are the media’s national exit polls. And, of course, in almost every state and district we now have the final…

LD 2014 Election Eve Polls: Release at the National Press Club

2014 ELECTION EVE POLL OF 5,000 LATINO VOTERS NATIONWIDE AND IN 10 STATES Voters Nationwide and in FL, GA, NC, IL, TX, KS, CO, NV, AZ, CA Speak on the…

Latino Decisions now posting new voter poll results in CO, KS, AZ, TX

With the closure of Texas, Arizona, Colorado, and Kansas, we can assess Latino impact in two really competitive environments. Full results are posted here: 2014 Election Eve Poll We find…

Early results in the 2014 Latino vote now posted for key states

So far, Latino Decisions has posted results from Illinois, Georgia, Florida, and North Carolina: full results here 2014 Election Eve Poll Across all four states, Latinos gave significant advantages to…

2014 Election Eve Poll: Latino voters nationwide say immigration top voting issue

Key Results Now Available for Huge Latino Voter Poll Nationwide and in 10 States Washington, DC – An election eve poll of nearly 5,000 Latino voters nationwide and in key 2014…

Getting the Latino vote wrong? Which polls are good and which polls are bad

This article originally appeared at Is it possible that Colorado’s Cory Gardner is shaping up to be this election cycle’s Sharron Angle? You might recall what happened to Angle in…

Environmental Issues Will Affect Latino Voting Behavior in this Election

A common stereotype about the Latino electorate is that environmental issues are ranked lower to more pressing issues like immigration, jobs, the economy, education and crime. Indeed, when one thinks…