Latino Decisions Blog


The Latino Threshold to Win in 2016

In 2012, polling by Latino Decisions found that Mitt Romney won the support of just 23 percent of Latino voters. In 2016, the Republican presidential candidate will need twice that…

LD Press Call and Webinar: New Target Threshold Models Latino Vote Share GOP Must Meet in 2016

Press Call/Webinar Friday, July 17th at 12pm ET To Listen: 877-876-9175; Passcode: LATINO VOTE To View the Visual Presentation: Click Here Latino Decisions to Unveil Updated Models on the New Target…

Dominican Americans in Northeast Growing Political Power

During the 2012 presidential election, Latino voters were finally recognized as being decisive in shaping national politics. No doubt, the 2016 presidential contest will once again provide a national spotlight…

Welcome to “The New Nevada”

The June 1st conclusion to the 78th Session of the Nevada Legislature brought to the end one of the most improbable and significant sessions in the state’s history. Improbable in…

DACA’s Three-Year Anniversary and its Legacy for 2016 Election

Today marks the third anniversary of President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA) executive order, a critical moment in immigration policy history. DACA directed the Department of Homeland…

5 Policy Issues that Show Why Jeb Bush Will Lose the Latino Vote

After Mitt Romney’s disastrous performance with Latino voters in 2012, some election observers have suggested Jeb Bush is the obvious candidate to help Republicans win over Latino voters. Bush’s supposed…

Latino Voters Key Factor in Success of Environmental Ballot Initiatives in 2014

New Report Shows Environment, Protection of Public Lands Mobilizes Latino Voters A groundbreaking study released today finds evidence that Latinos’ stated concerns for the environment and protection of America’s public…

Healthcare in the Shadows

One of the most concerning narratives for any democratic country is the extent to which sub-populations of its citizenry are “living in the shadows”.  Living in the shadows or social…

International Implications & Interest in Latino Empowerment: LD in Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica

Conventional wisdom in political analysis holds that late-term presidents turn to foreign affairs as their domestic clout wanes, a natural tendency that President Obama likely anticipated even before taking office. A major…

Loretta Sanchez and the Growth of Latino Political Power in California

In the next few days, Democratic Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez is likely to announce her candidacy for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Barbara Boxer. This will widely be seen…

So Goes Colorado…

In a recent article in the Los Angeles Times Mark Barabak examined the importance of the Mountain West, particularly Colorado, to Barack Obama’s 2008 and 2012 victories. Echoing many of…

Rubio’s Standing With Latino Voters

With Senator Marco Rubio’s imminent announcement that he will run for the 2016 Republican Party nomination, we take a look at his standing with Latino voters since his rise to…

Immigration Fluency in the GOP Primary Field

On the issue of immigration, the field of Republican presidential aspirants is typically classified along ideological or policy lines—that is, placed along some array between the hardliners who strongly oppose…

Where Did All the Latino Voters Go in 2014? The Case of Nevada

In 2004 John Judis and Ruy Teixeria wrote The Emerging Democratic Majority in which they argued that changing demographics were reshaping the country’s political geography in a manner that would…

Missed Opportunities: Assessing Latino Turnout in 2014

Across the board voter turnout was down in 2014. In 2010 about 91 million votes were cast and turnout among the voting eligible population was 41.8 percent. Four years later…

Latino Health Care 5 Years After the ACA: Findings from the Latino National Health and Immigration Survey

President Obama’s signature domestic policy achievement, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) faces another test in the upcoming Supreme Court case King v. Burwell. As we await a decision that has…

National Latino Health Survey: More Latinos Have Health Insurance; Gaps and Challenges Remain

On a press call and webinar held this morning, Latino Decisions presented the findings of its groundbreaking national poll on Latinos’ health, experiences with the changing healthcare marketplace, and outlook…

El Porqué de Chuy García

Sin duda, el próximo martes 7 de Abril será un día histórico para Chicago y su comunidad latina. Por primera vez bajo el actual sistema electoral municipal, se dará una…

Groundbreaking National Latino Health and Immigration Survey Gauges Attitudes & Experiences on the Affordable Care Act, Health & Immigration

** MEDIA ADVISORY ** WEDNESDAY March 25 10 a.m. EDT – POLL RELEASE PRESS CALL AND WEBINAR To Join via Phone: Dial 1-877-876-9176 with Passcode “Latino Health” To Join via Webinar:…

New Poll: Chicago Latino Voters and the Race for Mayor

A new survey, Chicago Latino Voters and the 2015 Mayoral Runoff, conducted by Latino Decisions and co-sponsored by Latino Policy Forum, National Alliance of Latin American and Caribbean Communities (NALACC)…