Latino Decisions Blog

Category: Latino Politics

New Poll Results: 2016 Latino Voters in Colorado, Florida, and Nevada

Yesterday, America’s Voice and Latino Decisions released the first of three waves of national polling of the 2016 Latino electorate (toplines here, crosstabs here, slide deck here).  The national results…

New Poll: 1st Wave America’s Voice/LD 2016 Tracking Poll

Earlier today, America’s Voice and Latino Decisions released the first of three waves of national polling of the Latino electorate (tomorrow there will be releases for Colorado, Florida, and Nevada;…

How campaigns can mobilize Latino voters: What worked best in 2012

Shortly after the 2014 midterm election, where Latinos comprised just eight percent of the national electorate according to exit polls, President Obama announced executive action that would defer deportations and…

No Trump – you are not “number one with Hispanics” in Nevada

Donald Trump won the Republican Nevada caucuses and in his victory speech Tuesday night he bragged about winning “the Hispanics” as he likes to say. He told his crowd of…

10 Reasons Why Immigration Politics Will Affect the Latino Vote

As immigration rhetoric in the Republican presidential nomination campaign continues to escalate and GOP candidates who were once perceived as immigration moderates tack to the right, it is worth considering…

New Findings in LD State of New Mexico Poll

The new State of New Mexico Poll conducted by Latino Decisions provides fresh data on the attitudes of registered voters in New Mexico regarding some of the most important policy issues…

New NM Poll Provides Insights on Key Policies to be Considered in State Legislature

A new survey commissioned by Somos Un Pueblo Unido and conducted by Latino Decisions provides valuable insights into the attitudes of registered voters in New Mexico regarding the REAL ID…

Introducing the America’s Voice/Latino Decisions 2016 Senate Project

The last three election cycles produced significant volatility in the composition of the US Senate. In 2014, the GOP netted nine seats to secure its current 55 to 45 majority,…

New Poll: Hostile Talk Hurts GOP with Latino Voters

Today impreMedia and Latino Decisions released new polling results from our survey of Latino voters in battleground states. The survey of 424 registered Latino voters shows that hostile rhetoric from Republican…

impreMedia/Latino Decisions Battleground States Survey

Today impreMedia and Latino Decisions released a new poll of Latino voters in battleground states. The survey of 424 registered Latino voters measures candidate favorability and issue priorities, full results…

Can Rubio Bridge the Latino-GOP Divide?

In a recent interview with Democratic strategist David Axelrod, former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, foresees a coming Latino backlash against the Republican Party as a result of Donald Trump’s…

Tipping Point: Will Latinos Follow Pope Francis’s Lead on the Environment?

Recent survey shows Latinos overwhelming support the pope’s call to defend God’s creation as nearly 80% say they are already experiencing the effects of climate change. History is being made this…

Can Pope Francis Mobilize Latinos That Care About the Environment?

Recent survey shows Latinos overwhelming support the Pope’s call to defend God’s creation as nearly 80% say they are already experiencing the effects of climate change. Polling Memo Here      Slide Deck…

GOP Hopefuls Descend on CA, Will They Pay Attention to Lessons Embodied by the State?

Tonight’s debate in California offers a reminder – a cautionary tale – for Republicans. In 1994, California’s Governor Pete Wilson (R) pushed through the infamous anti-immigrant Proposition 187 and ignited a…

When GOP Hopefuls Descend on CA, Will They Pay Attention to Lessons Embodied by the State?

Ahead of tomorrow’s debate, immigrant rights and labor leaders and a California-based political scientist will gather on a press call to set the stage for the GOP’s latest primary debate;…

Health Care Costs Remain Major Hurdle for Hispanics in New Mexico

A new poll of Latino/Hispanic adults in New Mexico funded by the National Institute of Health provides an opportunity to explore New Mexican Hispanics’ interactions with and attitudes toward health care reform….

On the Prospects of a Blue Arizona

This post summarizes a recent publication from the journal Politics of Groups and Identities, the full article can be read here. The Republican Party’s path to 270 Electoral Votes has…

New poll results of California Latino voter attitudes on climate change legislation

Today, Latino Decisions releases new results of Latino registered voters in California and their opinions and attitudes towards the environment and climate change bills currently being considered in the State…

Dominican Americans in Northeast Growing Political Power

During the 2012 presidential election, Latino voters were finally recognized as being decisive in shaping national politics. No doubt, the 2016 presidential contest will once again provide a national spotlight…

Welcome to “The New Nevada”

The June 1st conclusion to the 78th Session of the Nevada Legislature brought to the end one of the most improbable and significant sessions in the state’s history. Improbable in…