Latino Decisions Blog

Category: Education

Survey of NCLR Community Leaders: Both Parties Need To Do Better In Addressing Latino Issues

NCLR’s Community Influencers Identify the Most Important Issues for the Latino Community and Reflect on how the Republican and Democratic parties respond to the Latino Community This week NCLR affiliates…

Republicans fail to improve their image among Latinos, but have opportunity on education

The latest impreMedia-Latino Decisions tracking poll released today revealed a continued trend in support for President Obama, and increased dissatisfaction with Republican outreach towards Latino voters, with a possible opening…

Perry in a Different Light: Tejanos and Education Policy

Everything in life is relative.  Within the Republican presidential field Governor Rick Perry has come to be the Latino friendly candidate.   Specifically, he has been cast as a Latino education…

Hispanics Aspire to Better Education

By Pilar Marrero/ |2011-08-18 LOS ANGELES, Calif.- When it comes to their children’s education, Latino voters have clear and high aspirations: a new poll revealed that an overwhelming 96%—almost…