Latino Decisions Blog

Category: 2012 Polls/Elections

Why the DREAM Act will matter in the 2012 election

In December 2005 H.R. 4437, aka the “Sensenbrenner Bill” was passed by the House of Representatives and the issue of immigration became front page news in American politics. The bill…

70% of Latinos approve of Obama – but only 43% are certain to vote for Obama in 2012

By Pilar Marrero, impreMedia Despite the dire situation of the economy and the lack of immigration solutions, President Barack Obama’s approval rating among Latino voters increased again to 70% after…

Latino influence states even more important in 2012 electoral college map

In the 2008 presidential election, Barack Obama won the important Latino battleground states of Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado and Florida on his way to winning 365 total electoral college votes….

Senators who opposed DREAM Act may face Latino roadblocks in 2012

Yesterday the U.S. Senate failed to invoke cloture on the DREAM Act (HR 5281), ending the chance for any legislative accomplishments on the issue of immigration. While much of the…